While on a historic house tour, have you ever wondered, “What’s behind that closed door?” Have you wanted to pick up and really look at the artifacts? Have you had the urge to open the cabinets and peek inside?
History lovers are naturally curious, and we visit historic places in order to immerse ourselves in a time gone by. However, in order to protect the artifacts that fascinate us, museum curators must prohibit us from getting too close. The curators of the Fond du Lac County Historical Society have a solution to this age-old dilemma!
Using video technology, Curator Lisa Pauly Lefeber gives behind-the-scenes tours of the Historic Galloway House and Village museum collections. Join us for a rarely-granted, intimate exploration of off-limits spaces in the Historic Galloway House and Village: Backstage Pass.
All previous Backstage Pass videos are listed below. Keep an eye out for future episodes!
Upcoming Episodes
Galloway House Winter Kitchen and Pantry
Galloway House Summer Kitchen and Two Original 1847 Rooms
Galloway House Attic and Cupola Room
Galloway House Basement
Backstage Pass Collection
Toy Shop
Post Office and General Store
Village Firehouse
Willow Lawn School
Veterinary Office
Galloway House – Attic
Galloway House – Servant’s Quarters and Costume Collection
Galloway House – Front Room
Galloway House – Grand Hall and Parlor
Galloway House – Dining Room
Galloway House – Heritage and Tower Rooms
Galloway House – Martin Family Room
Galloway House – Boys’ Room
Galloway House – Girls’ Room
Galloway House – Bathroom
Galloway House – Maria Adams Galloway Room
Galloway House Overview